A very simple fix can take care of this issue. In this repro, the following applies: I have a rule by GPO scoped to allow RDP to all systems from any IP. This is administrator
Mound the VHD,将 C:/Windows/System32/osk.exe 做个备份; 将同路径下的cmd.exe重命名为osk.exe; 重启,进入Windows登录界面,选择辅助功能,开启屏幕小键盘; 此时弹出来的是命令提示符,我们新增一个用户,输入 net user 用户名 密码 /add 再将刚才新增的用户添加到管理员组 net localgroup administrators 用户名 /add 重启,使用刚才新增的管理员账户登录吧。
This how to will walk you through using Restricted groups to put users in the local admin group on all PCs. It will also add them to the Remote Desktop user’s group. The usefulness in
In Active Directory, the default container for user objects is the Users container and the default container for computer objects is the Computers container.